
作品の著作権は私、Rose Garnetに属します


I hope you enjoy watching it.

The copyright of the work belongs to me, Rose Garnet.

Taking the illustrations is strictly prohibited.

最終更新:Last updated(2025/3/29)》

Tasogare of Maiden’s “Dynamism seen in monochrome lines”(didital data)

“Sakura’s melancholy is “kirari””(digital data)

“The Snow-Falling Cherry Orchard with You” (digital data)

『Lily & Sari』(デジタルデータ):ご依頼による作品(非売品)
“Lily & Sari” (digital data): commissioned work (not for sale)

“Horse, Lovely (plaster taste)” (digital data)

“The Maiden Who Make it Blessing Rain” (digital data): Expressing the greatness of showering down blessings in response to people’s suffering

『Girl`s Elegance』(デジタルデータ):非売品
“Girl’s Elegance” (digital data): Not for sale

“Embrace the Bouquet” (digital data): These are illustrations that have been enjoyed by a wide range of customers

『コケティッシュ』(デジタルデータ):日本画絵具・金黄土を使って仕上げた作品 おだやかな、そしてたおやかな女性の表情が、恋を語っている
“Coquettish” (digital data):A work finished using Japanese painting paints and Gold and Yellow earth. The calm and graceful facial expression of a lady speaks of love

『紫陽花の精』(デジタルデータ):トレースした少女の輪郭をデフォルメし、紫陽花の my photo と融合させたミクストメディア
“Hydrangea Fairy” (digital data):A mixed media work that combines the traced of a girl & deform the outline with my photo of hydrangeas.

『春風、わたしをのせて・Fantastic Passion』(デジタルデータ)
“Spring Breeze, Carry Me – Fantastic Passion” (digital data)